This is where you book your



Alternate Fridays, 8:30am-11:30am


Fall, Winter and Spring: Alternate Tuesdays, 3:45pm-6:45pm

Summer: Tuesdays at 8:30am-11:30am


Fall, Winter and Spring: Alternate Saturdays, 8:30am-11:30am

Summer: Thursdays at 8:30am-11:30am

Wildsong Ranch


Please purchase howmany-ever classes you'd like from the form below (we set a limit at 5) ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Upon purchasing, you will receive a confirmation email.

The email will direct you to the age-specific half-day calendars (I have reported them below, too, for your information)

That's where you'll schedule 🤗

P.S. We suggest that you schedule immediately upon receiving your email (instructions in the confirmation email). Even if you've paid for your lesson, if others book before you do, we have no way of saving your spot for the specific date 🙏🏻

Your info
Payment Info

Remember that it's only possible to sign up to a class UP TO 24h before the class starts.

You can always review our booking and cancelation policy here 🤗


Here are the program dates for the different age groups:

A note on riding

Riding is not a necessary activity for a horse to be happy — quite the opposite: maaaany of them dislike it!

Most of us humans LOVE riding, included!

So, our team has spent a lot of time, studies, exploration and sweat trying to find a way to introduce it to horses in a way they can themselves find fun.

It is absolutely possible, yet it takes a while to master this “way”. Please know, in this sense, that riding will appear later in our programs, and even when it will, it will always happen on the horses’ terms, and it will never be the only thing we do with them!

Also, let us share this vision with you: once you’ll have mastered all the necessary tools, which we are very much committed to sharing with you, we want you to be able to experience the joy and reciprocity of consensual riding! It’s one of the best feelings in the world!

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